Online Therapy
I offer Individual, and couples online therapy, open ended or time limited via Zoom, Skype, or a platform which suits your needs.
Telephone Therapy
Also offered open ended, or time limited. This can be over Whatsapp, or by telephone, or a platform which suits your needs
Fees: £60 per individual session
Fees: £75 per couples session
Do you have a question? I offer a free 15 minute consultation, or can be contacted by phone, email or the ‘contact me’ section on the website. If you have anything you would like to ask, please reach out to me. (my contact details etc enclosed)
All enquiries are strictly confidential, and you do not need a GP referral to make anappointment.
I am committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. If you contact me, I may collect the following information: Name, Contact details – address, telephone number and/or email, GP’s details (where applicable), D.O.B (where applicable). I am committed to ensuring that your information is secure. To prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, I have procedures to safeguard and secure the information I collect. I will not distribute your information to third parties unless in exceptional circumstances. If data is shared, it is only with the client’s consent or if I am required to do so by law.